As part of the development of the individual posts for each bookshop on the list I will be sending out the questions that I asked on the ‘Browse A Bookshop’ feature to all bookshops on the list.
I’m going to rehash the pages of the bookshops who’ve already responded to fit into the new format and get a good start on the new phase of the blog.
I’ll also be prioritising developing posts for bookshops who send some answers back as this really makes my job easier.
So if you want to go to the top of the pile please email ( me at least six answers to these following questions, or you could use the Google form:
Question selection
- How did you come up with the name of your bookshop?
- Who are you? Owns the bookshop? Bit of a bio and pics, please 🙂
- Why a bookshop? What made you want to get into bookselling?
- General background/history of the shop please
- Do you stock a variety of genres or do you specialise?
- Do you mainly sell new or second-hand books?
- What makes your bookshop special?
- What’s the hardest thing about being a bookseller?
- What’s the best thing about being a bookseller?
- What’s the most surprising thing about being a bookseller?
- What are the goals for your bookshop?
- Do you think owning a bookshop has changed your life? How?
- What book do you wish would sell better?
- What little-known book do you think is underrated?
- What well-known book do you think is overrated?
- What is your preferred reading genre?
- Describe your store in three words.
- What book is your greatest treasure? Why?
- What was your favourite childhood book? Why?
- If you could invite any author for a book signing at your shop, who would you choose?
- Where do you think the biggest change in book publishing will come from?
- How do you reach potential readers/customers?
- How do you choose the books you stock?
- Do you have a favourite publisher? Why?
- Name three books on your TBR.
- What are you reading at the moment?
- What’s the greatest lesson you’ve learned from selling books?
- What music, if any, do you play in your shop? Why?
- What is the best book-related gift you’ve ever received?
- What is the weirdest thing a customer has ever asked for?
- What do you get up to in a normal bookselling day?
- What is the nicest thing a customer has ever said to you?
and could you send stores details; social media links, website, address, and lots of photos!